Course C Initial 8th – Oder of Operations in Math.

Lesson 8.
Now, we’ll speak about math priority operators. For it, answer those questions.

1- Who will be first ran in this expression: 7+8/2x5= ?
2- What’s the result of 27+3x9=?
3- What’s the result of 7x25/5=?
4- What’s the result of -855+256-8524-5+8524=?
5- What’s the result of 7x(85*2/5)+89-4/2=?

Just it. Below are the answers.
Question 1: 27.
Question 2: 54.
Question 3: 35.
Question 4: -604.
Question 5: 325.

This expressions is for show to you that there’s differences between math operators priority. Below, you’ll see a table which explain it.

So, make this algorithms, if you need help, access the previous lessons, they could help you. So, let's go!
Make an algorithm that sum a square root with a number typed by user, this number will be divided by 2 and summed with 4 multiplied by 2 and sum with square 7, so store in a variable. So, show at display.
Make this algorithm, so, if you wished, make it download below, but try do.
Well, that's all folks!
See you later!
