Course C Initial 10th – Exercises with If-Else

Lesson 10.

As we see in the previous lesson, now we’ll make some algorithms to practice. Those are 10 questions. I recommend that you make this algorithms because it’ll help you in the future.

1- Make an algorithm that reserves how tall is a person and test this conditions:
  • If the Tall is greater than 1.90, printf (“You can play basketball”);
  • If the Tall is smaller than 1.50, printf (“You’re not taller”);
  • if the Tall is greater or equal to 1.50 and smaller or equal than 1.90, printf (“You’re between arrive”);
2- Make an algorithm that works as a game, it may ask to user “What’s the Spanish Capital?” so the user will have available 4 possibility, they’re respectively a) Madrid, b) Barcelona, c) Vigo, d) Sevilla, after will be tested them. Note: use for store the result, a character type variable.
  • If the variable is equal to ‘a’, so printf (“You’re Wright”);
  • Else, so printf (“You’re wrong”);
3- Make an algorithm that works as a table, so the user type a value and it is stored in a variable. The algorithm is for the user type the result of the sum 985+856 and it’ll be tested.
  • If the user typed 1841, so printf (“The answer is corret”);
  • Else, printf (“Don’t you know sum?”);
4- Make an algorithm that reserves 4 numbers, so test if they’re equal or what’s the larger between them.
5- Make an algorithm that reserves a number, an operator and other number, so calculates the operation solicited. For example: 7*2 is equal to 14, use an int, char and int respectively. Test what operation will be made and print the result.
6- Make an algorithm that reserves the product code and the quantity, so calculate the prices. Note: before defines how you can see below:
  • M’ – Milk – U$ 1,00 1L.
  • P’ – Potato – U$ 2,50 Kg.
  • E’ – Meat – U$ 10,00 Kg.
  • J’ – Juice – U$ 0,50 each.
Use if else to test the options. Note: use a special case for when the code was incorrect. After multiple the price by quantity and print the total price.
7- Make an algorithm that test if a number typed by use is negative, or null, or positive.
  • If Num==0, print “This Number is Null”
  • Else if Num<0, print “This Number is Negative”
  • Else if Num>0, print “This Number is Positive”
8- Make an algorithm that test if a number typed by user is pair or impair. Note: a number is pair only if it’s divisive by 2, else, it’s impair.
9- Make an algorithm that reserves 5 numbers in different variables, so use a variable called Cont to sum the quantity of numbers greater than 0, it may be initialized with 0. Just test if it is greater than 0, so print a message saying the quantity of positive numbers.
10- Make an algorithm that reserves 5 numbers in different variables, so use a variable called Cont to sum the quantity of numbers smaller than 0, it may be initialized with 0. Just test if it is smaller than 0, so print a message saying the quantity of negative numbers.
Well, that’s all folks! In the next lesson, we’ll see the Switch Command! See you later!
