Article - The Concepts About Memory in a Computer.

Whats is a computer memory, what it makes? Probably you trough once in lifetime. The memory is a specie of table that reserves the data to CPU processes them. Look for it below:

his is an example about the memory works. The data are saved in memory and used when the machine needs. In the memory, other concept that is need remember is that each memory space has its address, so each data is saved in one address inside the memory.

There’s same concepts of memory, basically they’re twice types, the Volatile and the Constant types. See below what they mean.

  • Volatile Memory – Also called dynamic memory, they’re not allocation constant, it cans be changed. For example: Memory RAM (we’ll see after).
  • Constant Memory – They’re constant, it can’t be changed easy. It works with configuration and once save, it can’t be change without desire’s user. For example: Memory ROM, the setup of settings or the Computer’s BIOS. (We’ll see after).

Memory RAM – it’s a dynamic memory and it can be change all the time that the user is in the computer, it helps the software to works with performance in the machine. It save the data only when the software is being used, when it is closed, then this space is free again.

Memory ROM – it’s a constant memory, that is, it can’t be change all the time. Basically it keep information or settings saved without reserves outside influence, but it can be change only when the user desire, but caution if you want make this, search information. The BIOS is an example, a configuration that is save when the computer is fabricated and configured.

Constant Memory keep data saved in it, ever when not in use. The Hard Disc or HD is other example, it keeps your data save in it for when you need their.

The memory is present in many thing in our life, in the TV’s settings, in your computer, calculators, mobile, printer, etc. Today, it make presence in our lifetime.

So, see this program in C language:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
int Number=7;
printf (“%i\n”,Number); //It’ll print the number 7
printf (“%i”,&Number); //It’ll print the address of Number
return 0;

Show it in the console:

So, it printed the number 7 and after its address on display. Make a test!

Go on Trying! You’re a winner!
Well, that’s all folks!
See you later with others articles.
