Course C Initial 14.1 – Do While Challenges

As I said in the previous lesson, Access Here, I have to you 5 challenges to you practice your ability.

1- Make an algorithm that ask to user type numbers, the stop condition is when was typed the Number 0, say to user the stop condition.
2- Make an algorithm that aks to user many numbers, use the stop condition, when the user type 0, so print the sum result at display.
3- Make an algorithm that ask to user type a number and so use a do while to decrement this number up to 0. print them at display.
4- Make an algorithm that ask to user a number, you’ll multiplies by its predecessor up it be 0. Print all the process.
5- Make an algorithm that as to user letter, user the variable different of space character as condition.
In the next lesson, we’ll see the Command While. Share it with your friends!

Well, that’s all folks!
See you later!
